Friday, February 19, 2010

Spreading the Expat Blog Love

One of the best things that comes from blogging is 'meeting' other bloggers, and becoming virtually (literally) connected to them thru their blog posts.

I've been fortunate enough to have been contacted by two such bloggers recently who have asked to 'interview' me for their blogs.  So, in the spirit of reciprocity, I wanted to post a link to their articles:

The Canadians & Americans in the UK blog is written by Victoria Westcott. She has some outstanding articles on 'How to...', and it's from her blog that I first stumbled upon the UK to US Bank Transfer info.  Thanks, Victoria!

The second blog I've recently been interviewed for is, Expat Alley written by Tom Frost.  Tom does a great job of covering general Expat life from a multitude of coutries/expatriates/viewpoints, and has been an expat himself a few times over.

Hope you enjoy!

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